Consultancy from an SEO agency in Leipzig

Greater visibility and strong rankings

Through effective SEO strategies and our holistic approach to search engine optimization, we develop customized online marketing measures in the heart of Leipzig that improve your rankings both quantitatively and qualitatively at short notice, drive traffic to your website and turn it into conversions with the help of our high-quality SEO texts.

Know the intent of your visitors

We focus on the essentials! Whether you are an e-commerce shop or a service provider with a local business, our user-centered keyword analysis forms the foundation for the successful sale of your products and services. Keyword research is the center of visibility on Google and is the starting point for SEO content strategies and formats that help your users.

Strong positioning in the local search results in Leipzig

Thanks to our diverse customer projects and many years of experience in search engine optimization, we can help your company outperform the competition and achieve success not only with SEO in Leipzig, but also in the surrounding area and throughout Central Germany.

SEO Agency Leipzig » 5 factors for your success


Content is King (OnPage)

  • High quality SEO content (pillar page, landing page, blogs, category and product descriptions)
  • Consideration of the most important Google concepts such as E-E-A-T, topical authority and semantic search for your successful content strategy
  • Building a high-converting customer journey, flat click hierarchy and logical internal link structure
  • Improving brand perception and communication for your brand success
  • Implementation and support of website relaunches
  • SEO for search generative experience

Professional link building (OffPage)

  • Your breakthrough with link marketing: finally out of the top 10 and into the top 3
  • Exclusive home page links with guaranteed success, thanks to long-term tests
  • Selection of natural anchor texts to avoid Google penalties
  • Link audits and cleaning up harmful links (detox)
  • Backlink monitoring

Technical SEO (OnSite)

  • We don't focus on the little things, but rely on effective technical measures as a basic requirement for top rankings on Google and Co.
  • Accessible source code (for crawlers), robots, canonical and index settings
  • PageSpeed-optimized, responsive design of your site for desktop/mobile

Professional support

  • Monthly project planning in coordination with you
  • Permanent contact person
  • Optimisation is carried out by SEO experts
  • Experience through years of support for SMEs

Focus on the big picture

  • Regular SEO analysis and monitoring of your competition
  • Monitoring and reporting of your performance for SEO in Leipzig
  • Strategy optimization in line with your business goals
  • Development of hybrid strategies for your sales channels
  • Consultancy and training to develop your team

3 steps towards a visible website

Our approach as an SEO agency in Leipzig:

  • Free initial consultation and target agreement
  • SEO analysis and joint strategy development
  • Identification of "low-hanging fruits" for a quick ROI (return on investment)

Our SEO agency philosophy

We are proud of the fact that the majority of our new customer contacts come from recommendations; there is no greater accolade for us. Over the past few years, we have been able to try out a lot and gain valuable and wide-ranging experience in various sectors. Beside online shops, we supervise sophisticated niches that belong to YMYL (Your Money Your Life) categories. This refers to small and medium-sized companies as well as corporations whose website content can have a lasting impact on the safety, health and financial stability of people and the well-being of society.

What we value in our cooperation:
  • Cooperation at eye level
  • Budget-orientated distribution of tasks between client and SEO agency
  • Application of measures with a direct impact on sales (fast ROI)
  • Processing of measures according to priorities
  • Holistic approach and inclusion of other marketing disciplines (e.g. content marketing, web development & web design, social media, etc.)

Frequently asked questions about SEO Agency Leipzig

SEO stands for "Search Engine Optimization". It is a set of strategies and practices aimed at improving the visibility and ranking of a website in the search results of search engines such as Google, Bing or Ecosia. SEO comprises various techniques that can be divided into two main categories:

This refers to all measures that are implemented directly within the website to improve positions in the search results. This includes optimizing content through the targeted use of keywords, improving meta tags and descriptions, as well as optimizing the website architecture, structuring URLs and using HTML tags to highlight important content.

This category includes measures that take place outside the actual website. Link building is intended to increase brand visibility in Google and reputation. This primarily includes building backlinks from other websites (forum links, PBN, publishers), increasing social media presence (mentions) and increasing the authority of the website through reputable external sources.

An SEO agency is a specialized company that focuses on improving the visibility and ranking of websites in search engines. The core tasks of an SEO agency include keyword research, on-page (website) and off-page (link marketing), technical SEO, content creation, local SEO such as for Leipzig, analysis and reporting and expert advice. Leipzig is still considered a swarm city and so we have been able to build up a professional network as a Leipzig SEO agency in recent years with the growing creative industry.

An SEO agency usually specializes in search engine optimization, which is an important part of online marketing. However, SEO is only one area of the entire spectrum of online marketing services. An online marketing agency usually offers a wider range of services that go beyond SEO, such as social media marketing, email marketing, performance marketing (PPC), and other digital marketing strategies.

As an SEO agency in Leipzig, we are specialized in the disciplines of SEO, UX, CRO and content marketing. Thanks to our many years of experience, we know that these complex sub-areas must go hand in hand and that only when they are coordinated with each other can the benefits such as lasting visibility, long-term high-converting traffic and a user-centered web design bring success for our customers' products and services on the Internet, locally in Leipzig and the surrounding areas.

The costs for SEO services are based on the scope of the SEO measures as well as the complexity of the requirements and the necessary SEO expertise that a customer project requires. An initial consultation, in which we get to know each other, provide orientation on both sides and plan the first possible steps, is of course free of charge.

Free initial assessment by your SEO agency Leipzig

Before an initial consultation, our SEO experts usually screen your website and those of your competitors and carry out assessments for all relevant areas, from which we then jointly formulate initial short-term goals for your website in order to quickly increase SEO visibility in the search engines.

A good SEO agency is characterized by a number of qualities that demonstrate both professionalism and the ability to effectively increase traffic through very good rankings:

  • Transparency and communication: A good agency keeps its clients informed about strategies, progress and results. It provides clear reports and is open about the techniques used, which strengthens trust and creates a solid basis for working at eye level.

  • Customized strategies: Instead of offering standard solutions, a competent SEO agency develops customized strategies that are tailored to the specific goals and challenges of each client. This demonstrates a deep understanding of the client's individual needs and market.

  • Ethical SEO practices: Reputable agencies rely on "white-hat" SEO techniques that comply with the guidelines of search engines such as Google. They avoid manipulative and misleading practices that could lead to penalties.

  • Experience and expertise: Experience in various industries and a deep technical understanding of SEO are essential. Good agencies have professionals who are constantly training to stay on top of the latest technology and best practices.

  • Results-orientation: A good SEO agency measures its success by specific results, such as increasing organic traffic, improving keyword rankings and increasing conversion rates. It sets measurable goals and works systematically to achieve them.

  • Comprehensive services: In addition to standard SEO, a good agency will also offer related services such as content creation, on-page optimization, technical SEO and perhaps even PPC management to provide an integrated online marketing strategy.
  • Sustainable strategies: A good SEO agency thinks long-term and develops strategies that deliver sustainable results rather than quick but fleeting successes.

An SEO specialist is an expert in search engine optimization who specializes in improving the visibility and ranking of websites in the results of search engines such as Google. These professionals use a variety of techniques and strategies to increase organic (non-paid) traffic to a website. The main tasks of our SEO experts include:

  • SEO analyses and competitor evaluations: Our team analyzes your online presence using tried and tested audit techniques to carry out a comprehensive assessment of the areas of: Technology, On-Page/Off-Page, Content and Competition.

  • Keyword research and intent evaluation: For our clients we carry out keyword analyses to identify topics and related terms that potential customers use to find products or services.

  • Technical SEO: Our experts initially provide advice when it comes to the technical aspects of your website. Based on experience, we start by screening the existing content management system in terms of functionality and flexibility to achieve the SEO objectives, taking into account the individual needs of your team. In some cases, our customers benefit from a switch to another CMS in the long term and avoid problems that are difficult to resolve due to workarounds in the current CMS. Once these fundamental questions have been clarified, nothing interrupts the way of optimisation options for indexing and crawlability as well as page speed and mobile first.

  • On-Page SEO: In line with your brand design, our experts improve individual or complex website elements such as headlines, metadata, content and internal links to increase relevance and conversion opportunities for specific keywords.

  • Content creation for any format: Our team plans and creates high-quality content that is relevant and useful for the target group and at the same time well optimized for search engines. The focus is on features ranging from page types such as landing pages, pillar pages and blog posts to navigation and help content or even legal and editorial content for YMYL websites.

  • Link building (Off-Page SEO): We create out-of-the-box strategies to acquire backlinks from other websites, which helps to increase the authority and credibility of your own website.

  • Monitoring and reporting: Regularly monitoring and analyzing SEO measures and evaluating their effectiveness and making adjustments where necessary are a matter of course for us.

SEO or search engine optimization is worthwhile for many types of companies, individuals and organizations who want to improve their online business and attract more traffic to their website. Here are some groups for whom SEO can be particularly beneficial:

  • Businesses of all sizes: From small local businesses in the city of Leipzig to large multinationals, SEO can help attract more potential customers and ultimately increase sales.

  • E-commerce websites: For online shops, SEO is crucial to make products more visible in search engines and generate more qualified traffic that can lead to sales.

  • Start-ups: For new businesses, SEO can be a cost-effective marketing strategy to create brand awareness and establish themselves in an often saturated market.

  • Content creators and bloggers: SEO can help make articles, blogs and videos accessible to a wider audience, which in turn can increase advertising revenue and subscriptions.

  • Non-governmental and nonprofit organizations (NGOs): For organizations that rely on donations and volunteer support, SEO can help communicate their mission to a wider audience and mobilize support.

  • Freelancers and service providers: SEO can help individuals offer their services to local or specialized markets by optimizing their websites for relevant search queries.

In general, search engine optimization is worthwhile for every website. Even if the rankings are already excellent, it is important to keep up with the times, react quickly to algorithm updates from Google, Bing and other search engines, and always stay one step ahead of the competition.

Methods you can use to decide on the benefits of SEO specifically for your company

The best way to evaluate whether SEO is worthwhile for you is to use the formula Profitability = turnover/costs. You calculate how much more turnover you generate through search engine optimization and put this turnover in relation to the costs. If a profit remains that justifies the expense of the SEO measures in your eyes, SEO is already worthwhile for you. The challenge is that you don't know how much more revenue you will generate before hiring an SEO agency. In these cases, it's worth comparing yourself with competitors in your industry or comparing your competitors in relation to the specific product you want to sell: How much does the competition benefit from search engine optimization and what is the composition of their marketing mix?

No, SEO is not just good for Google, even though Google is the most widely used search engine and is therefore often at the center of SEO efforts. Search engine optimization is basically relevant for all search engines, as most are based on similar algorithms that evaluate the relevance and quality of websites. These include Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu and Yandex as well as many others.

Positioning in special markets through our SEO agency Leipzig

Optimization for other search engines can be particularly important in markets where Google is not the dominant search engine. For example, Baidu is very popular in China and Yandex is widely used in Russia. Even though the basic principles of SEO remain similar, such as including relevant keywords, securing backlinks and optimizing the user experience, there are specific requirements, algorithms and government regulations that may be unique to each search engine in a given country.

While an SEO strategy isn't mandatory to run a website, it's crucial if your goal is to maximize your visibility in search engines and generate more organic traffic. Here are some reasons why a targeted strategy can be of great benefit:

  • Structured approach – A strategy allows you to structure and prioritize efforts. Without a clear strategy, work could be less focussed and inefficient, which often leads to lower results.

  • Better target achievement – With a customized strategy, you can smartly define SEO goals and plan the measures necessary to achieve these goals. This can include increasing traffic, improving conversion rates or increasing brand awareness.

  • Adaptation to competition and algorithms – SEO is a dynamic field that is constantly changing, whether due to new competition or updates in search engine algorithms. A robust strategy helps you to remain proactive and react quickly to such changes.

  • Efficient use of resources – With a smart strategy, you can utilize resources (time, budget and personnel) more efficiently. This way, you know where you need to invest and which areas have the greatest impact on your business goals.

  • Measurement and re-customization – A strategy enables you to measure the success of SEO measures and make adjustments based on performance data. This is critical to ensure that SEO efforts are delivering the desired results.

In a nutshell, although a site can work without an explicit SEO strategy, it is almost essential for businesses looking for online visibility and growth to have a well-thought-out and well-executed strategy. It provides a unique roadmap for achieving online marketing goals and increasing ROI.

Yes, you can do SEO yourself, even if you are not a professional SEO specialist. Many search engine optimization basics can be learned and applied by website owners or bloggers to improve the visibility of their pages. Here are some basic steps that you can implement yourself:

  • Learn SEO basics – Understand what SEO is and how search engines work. There are many online resources and courses, such as Search Engine Land, Google's Search Engine Optimisation Starter Guide, or blogs and YouTube channels dedicated to SEO.

  • Keyword research for your site – Use tools such as Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest or Ahrefs to find relevant keywords that your target group uses.

  • Optimizing your site step by step – Improve the technical aspects of your site, such as loading time, mobile-friendliness and the structure of your URLs. Tools like Google's PageSpeed Insights can help you identify technical deficiencies.

  • Content creation for your customers – Create high-quality content that is relevant to your target group and appropriately incorporates the selected keywords.

  • On-Page SEO – Optimize your pages with meta tags, suitable titles and descriptions as well as the reasonable use of headings and internal links.

  • Link building – Start building relationships with other websites to acquire backlinks. This can be done through guest posts, partnerships or by sharing valuable content on social media and other platforms.

  • Monitoring and customization – Use tools such as Google Analytics and Google Search Console to monitor the traffic and performance of your website and make adjustments based on this data. While basic SEO can be done on your own, more complex issues or more challenging goals may still require the expertise of professional SEO agencies or specialists.