Your full-service agency for high-quality SEO texts

Top rankings with E-E-A-T and helpful Content

Professional SEO texts improve Google rankings through targeted keyword placement and creates a balance between search engine optimization and user experience. Thanks to our holistic approach for topic coverage, we write helpful SEO texts for your customers that make your website a topical authority in your niche.

Content is king – and that's not going to change

Users and Google love content! The creation of SEO content includes a detailed briefing, thorough keyword research and on-page optimization to satisfy both search engines and human users. But really good SEO texts are not easy to write and are not just created on the side. Home page, pillar page, landing page, blog post or product texts – do you know the differences and which content and content formats make these page types excellent SEO texts and convert your users?

More traffic = more sales

Unique content is crucial for a good ranking and should meet the various search intentions of users in order to optimize information provision, persuasion and conversions. In principle, the following applies: Good SEO content brings more users to your pages. Very good SEO texts contain user-centered search terms, fit into the customer journey and fulfill user intentions. Our SEO agency is your ideal match for top-quality SEO texts.

5 factors for your success


SEO experts and SEO copywriters

  • Experts and copywriters support you in all matters relating to SEO texts
  • editorial guidelines and qualitative source research for YMYL websites

State of the art

  • SEO texts are created with the latest Google and target group knowledge
  • use of the best tools and technologies without additional costs for you

Suitable content formats for your search terms

  • varied content that appeals to your target group
  • Content formats that inform, convince and convert

Customer Journey

  • Hybrid strategies with SEO, UX and CRO for really good SEO texts
  • Consideration of your brand approach with the help of a tone of voice

SEO text track record

  • Screenshot with comparative key figures of your competitors
  • Rank tracking of the assigned keywords for the respective URL
  • monthly SEO reporting and performance measurement

3 steps for successful SEO texts

Our approach to SEO copywriting

Analysis and strategy

  • free initial consultation
  • Content audit (duplicate content and thin content, real cannibalism)
  • Keyword research and development of a content strategy
  • Identification of "low hanging fruits" for a quick ROI (return on investment)

Realization with professional SEO copywriters

  • Onboarding and integration into our CRM for simplified and budget-efficient collaboration
  • Monthly implementation of measures based on defined priorities
  • permanent team of SEO experts and copywriters

Monitoring & support

  • Transparency through constantly updated service and performance reports
  • Review and forecast calls to coordinate further strategy
  • Discussion of visibility development

The philosophy: This is important to us in SEO copywriting

We are proud of the fact that the majority of our new customer contacts come from recommendations – there is no greater accolade for us. Over the past few years, we have been able to try out a lot and gather a valuable and wide-ranging wealth of experience in various sectors.

What we value in SEO copywriting:
  • Texts with SEO optimization according to 30+ parameters
  • Fulfillment of search intent through user-centered texts
  • Direct address of the target groups in the text
  • Consideration of your brand approach

Our services for your in-house SEO copywriting:
  • Training and coaching: Our expertise = your success
  • Fully prepared guidelines for your team: From audit to high quality text

Our prices

Service Beginner Professional Enterprise
Free consultation
Keywords in headlines
Google Suggest, Related & Google Images
CMS Integration
Term Frequency Optimization
Consideration of Search Intent
Relevant / Proof Terms
Answer Box Optimization
Google Search Console Optimization
CTR optimized meta data
Recommended for: Bulk Order Bulk Order/ Price Performance Maximum Optimization
Minimum purchase 2.500 words 2.500 words 1.500 words
Price up to 10,000 words 0,09 € per word 0,15 € per word 0,30 € per word
Price from 10,001 words 0,08 € per word 0,13 € per word 0,27 € per word
Book SEO content now! Book SEO content now!
Book SEO content now! Book SEO content now!
Book SEO content now! Book SEO content now!

Frequently asked questions about SEO copywriting

Professional texts are your key to top Google rankings. We show you how the use of expertise in SEO writing strengthens your online presence, what qualities make an excellent SEO text and how we create the best texts for the needs of your visitors – explained objectively and without any frills. In the world of search engine optimization, SEO texts are often seen as a secret weapon. They are the key to first-class Google rankings and improve your brand's visibility and Google ranking positions through the well thought-out placement of main and secondary keywords.

But why are they so important? Well-structured, unique SEO texts contribute significantly to a better rating and higher ranking of websites in search engines, which ultimately leads to top rankings. This attracts more target group traffic to your website and increases the visibility of your brand. However, it's not just about making search engines happy. Professional SEO copywriting is also important to fulfill quality standards such as user orientation and target group-oriented content. Good SEO texts ensure a balance between the requirements of search engines and entertainment as well as information transfer for people. They go beyond mere compliance with keyword density and also address an outstanding user experience. An investment in professional SEO texts generates lasting traffic, as they achieve top positions on Google due to their quality.

In the world of SEOs, there's a mantra you've probably heard before: "Content is king". But what does that actually mean? It means that unique content – in other words, unique and original content – is crucial for better rankings. Google favors unique content and penalizes duplicates with lower or no positions. Websites with unique content attract more visitors, as this content not only keeps users on the site longer but also encourages distribution, which in turn increases the visibility of the website.

But it's not just about uniqueness. SEO content is at the heart of successful rankings and should not only offer added value for search engine crawlers, but first and foremost for real people. Considering which content is both relevant and of high quality is crucial to increasing user engagement and dwell time.

The path to the perfect SEO text is not always easy. It requires care, expertise and a clear strategy. In the following, we will introduce you to the most important steps. Each step is crucial for creating SEO texts that are valuable for both search engines and users.

Briefing and objectives – The foundation for relevant content

Every successful SEO text starts with a detailed briefing. This lays the foundation for relevant content, as it ensures that the texts created are precisely tailored to the needs of your target group. It's not just about which keywords should be used, but also about the brand message and how the target group should be addressed. But the briefing is only the first step. As a starting point, it is essential to determine the business objectives of your website, as this is our starting point for creating high-converting SEO content. Knowing your website goals enables our SEO copywriters to create content that is relevant to both you and your visitors.

Keyword research – The essentials of SEO copywriting

Keyword research is a crucial step in SEO text creation. Well-founded keyword research is the first step in the SEO process, in which keyword sets are created, assigned to the pages and integrated into the text according to semantic rules. Careful implementation of the findings from the research is crucial for search engine-optimized writing. We assign each identified topic a focus keyword and other semantically relevant terms that your audience is actively searching for. We always make sure that the keyword does not yet rank on another page and at the same time fulfills the same intent. Because we don't want to create duplicate content. Selected SEO tools support us in this process and serve as technical aids in the content creation process. It is particularly important to identify long-tail terms that are precisely tailored to specific search queries. The aim is to find out what your users are looking for and how you can fulfill these queries with search engine optimized texts.

SEO texts for different search intentions – Inform, convince, convert

When we talk about SEO texts, we can not forget that different users have different search intentions. Some are looking for information, others want to be convinced and still others are ready to take action. SEO texts must therefore be adapted to the user's search intention. High-quality SEO content can fulfill search intentions that can range from information about services to products in an online shop, which can contribute to a longer dwell time and higher conversion rates. In order to answer user questions and make the content accessible to search engines, SEO texts should have a clear logical structure and internal links. A well-structured table of contents can help to improve the clarity of the text. Transaction-oriented search queries, such as for product descriptions and sales texts, are addressed by SEO texts that are specifically geared towards them.

OnPage optimisation – More than just keyword density

On-page optimization is another important aspect of SEO copywriting. It is more than just compliance with keyword density and includes the optimization of meta data, snippets and the structuring of texts for better readability and findability. Meta data, consisting of the title tag and the meta description, play a significant role in SEO, as they present the content in search results and can influence click-through rates. Another important aspect is the structure of the text. SEO texts should contain the main keywords in headings and important sections to support readability and findability and need a well thought-out structure with headings and internal links.

WDF*IDF (Within Document Frequency * Inverse Document Frequency) is a method that was once commonly used to determine the relevance of content by analyzing the frequency and distribution of keywords against a large collection of documents. While WDF*IDF tools that can provide some insight into keyword usage are no longer crucial for ranking in the top search results. Topic coverage, semantic search and NLP have become much more important to rank in the top 3 results. SEO strategies should focus on creating natural and user-centered content that responds to the intent and context of user queries. That's why you should only use experienced SEO experts to write copy.

Importance of natural language processing in SEO texts (NLP)

NLP has dramatically improved the ability of search engines to understand human language in a way that was not previously possible. This includes recognizing the relationships between words, understanding synonyms and recognizing the intent behind a search query. For SEO texts, this means that we need to spend less time focussing on specific keyword density (keyword stuffing). Instead, we can invest more energy in creating SEO texts that use natural language and provide comprehensive coverage of the topic from different angles.

User experience – How good content increases dwell time

The creation of high-quality texts goes hand in hand with improving the user experience. An SEO text should primarily be understandable and informative for human readers in order to create a positive user experience. A positive user experience can lead to increased time spent on your website as well as a reduction in bounce rates and a higher rate of returning visitors. Captivating storytelling and appropriate content formats that involve users in the content lead to better user signals, which is taken into account by search engines such as Google for ranking purposes. In addition, an optimized header menu and internal links can improve the structure of your website, facilitate user navigation and indicate the importance of certain pages to search engines.

The importance of storytelling

In addition to all the technical aspects of SEO copywriting, storytelling also plays an important role. Storytelling in SEO texts serves to engage readers emotionally and convey the message more effectively. Combining SEO with creative storytelling is beneficial as it can send positive signals to search engines, potentially helping to improve rankings. Digital storytelling is a key skill for persuading and captivating your readership and involves conveying information as well as emotion.

The ideal length for texts depends on various factors, including the topic, the target group, the search intention and specific goals. However, there are general guidelines that can help you determine the appropriate length for your texts:

Blog posts and articles: For many topics, 600 to 800 words is considered the minimum to provide enough depth and value. However, studies show that more detailed articles of 1,500 words or more often rank better as they provide comprehensive information on a topic and are seen as more thorough and valuable.

Product descriptions and service pages: Here the length of text can vary, but 300 to 500 words is often a good starting point. For more complex products or services, a more detailed description may be necessary to convey all the details and benefits.

Landing pages: The length of landing pages can vary greatly depending on the goal of the page. Text aimed at conversion, such as on sign-up or sales pages, can be shorter and focus on persuasive calls-to-action. Informative texts for landing pages can be longer, especially if they aim to provide comprehensive information on a topic or service.

SEO texts for e-commerce – Considerations for online shops

Creating optimized texts for e-commerce has its own special features. Unique product descriptions are essential for a good SEO ranking in e-commerce. The use of duplicate content (manufacturer product texts) or insufficient content can have a negative impact. In addition, the optimization of individual product pages for long-tail keywords with a high search volume is crucial, as users often search for specific product models. Effective management of URL parameters is also essential for dynamic e-commerce websites and Google should be clearly instructed on which parameters should be taken into account using the sitemap and relevant head information.

  • Short term (1-3 months): Small improvements are possible, especially if SEO basics have been neglected so far and are implemented quickly.
  • Medium-term (3-6 months): During this period, many websites begin to see significant improvements in ranking, especially if high quality text is continuously published.
  • Long-term (6 months and longer): Significant and sustained improvements in rankings, especially for highly competitive keywords (can last several months to over a year).

Another important aspect you should consider when you want to have SEO texts written is the cost structure. The cost of SEO copy can be calculated using a flat rate or an hourly rate, with the average price being around 8 cents per word. However, the prices for SEO texts vary greatly and depend on the experience and expertise of the copywriter. An average SEO text with 600 words costs between 190 and 400 euros, which can vary depending on the project due to individual pricing. YMYL websites in particular rely on special text types with author details. For SEO texts that fall into the YMYL category, we carry out primary source research. In this way, we ensure that the content to be created is fact-based and fulfills the requirements for helpful content and E-E-A-T. Prices for these special types of text start from 600 euros, while simpler texts can be cheaper.

Quality features and selection criteria

If you decide to buy SEO texts, there are a few quality features and selection criteria that you should consider. The quality of SEO copy often depends on the price paid for it.

Expertise: It is important to consider not only the price, but also the experience and expertise of the copywriter. It is also advisable to check references and reviews in order to make an informed decision.

Saving time: Creating high-quality, SEO-optimized content can be time-consuming, especially when it involves extensive research or complex topics. By buying SEO copy, you can save time that you can then use for other important tasks within your business or project.

Scalability: As your business grows, it can be difficult to scale content production internally. By outsourcing content creation, you can quickly ramp up production without having to hire or train additional internal resources.

Improved audience targeting: Professional SEO copywriters often also have experience in audience analysis and can create content that is specifically tailored to the needs and preferences of your target audience. This increases engagement rates and the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Cost-effectiveness: Although the initial investment for high-quality SEO copy can be higher, the long-term benefits such as improved rankings, increased traffic and higher conversion rates are often more cost-effective compared to other marketing strategies.

Competitive advantage: By purchasing professionally created SEO texts, your website can often rise in the search engine rankings faster and more effectively than your competitors, especially if they do not invest in high-quality content.

With the right approach and the right support, SEO copywriting can increase the visibility of your website, generate more traffic and ultimately boost your business success. However, it is important to choose carefully when selecting an SEO copywriting provider. Make sure that the provider has experience in your industry, can provide positive references and is transparent in their working methods. Good collaboration and regular communication are key to ensuring that the content created meets expectations and contributes effectively to achieving your SEO goals.